My Skin Centre

How to Safely Work and Exercise Outdoors in the Sun

How to Safely Work and Exercise Outdoors in the Sun

If you work outdoors, you may be exposed to high levels of UV radiation on a daily basis. On average, outdoor workers like construction crews, police, life guards, and postal workers in Australia receive between five to ten times more UV radiation than people who spend their workday indoors. When people aren’t working outdoors, they’re taking advantage of the gorgeous summer weather by going out to exercise, and this increases their exposure to the sun. There are several things both exercise enthusiasts and outdoor workers can do to protect themselves. Taking steps to prevent skin cancer is always a better option to having to deal with the disease if it develops.

Protecting Yourself From UV Radiation Exposure

  • Use Sun Protection. One of the easiest things you can do when it comes to sun exposure is to protect yourself. The slip, slop, slap method applies to working outdoors and exercising outdoors, and it’s easy to do. Slip on sun protective clothing to cover as much of your skin as possible, slop on SPF30 sunscreen, and slap on a wide-brimmed hat.
  • Take Your Breaks in the Shade. Whilst you work or exercise in the sun, your core temperature rises. It can lead to heatstroke if it rises above 40.5 degrees Celsius. Taking breaks in the shade, whether you’re working or exercising, can help to lower your core body temperature to normal. This, in turn, can reduce your risk of heatstroke and heat-related illnesses.
  • Work Around the Hottest Parts of the Day. If it is possible, do the majority of your outdoor work or exercising around the cooler parts of the day, and avoid the hottest parts. Typically, this is between 11 am and 3 pm.

If you work or exercise outdoors under the Australian sun, take steps to protect yourself. Keep yourself hydrated, use sun protection, take your breaks in the shade, and work around the hottest parts of the day. All of these things reduce your exposure to UV radiation and help you stay healthy whilst outdoors. This can help to reduce your risk of developing skin cancer later in your life. However, if you suspect any sun damaged spots on your skin, it is a good idea to get a skin check. My Skin Centre is a skin cancer clinic with nine convenient locations throughout the Perth and South West area, and they’d be happy to set up an appointment for you to check any problem areas.