My Skin Centre

Skin Cancer Screening Services

My Skin Centre offers a full range of skin cancer services. Our services include detection through to treatment 

Skin Cancer in Australia is serious business, unfortunately, 2 in 3 Australian’s will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the age of 70.

What can you do to lessen your chances of getting skin cancer?

Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide!

Protecting yourself from the sun can decrease your chances your chances of getting skin cancer.

Use Sunscreen!

Ensure that it’s a good one, SPF50+ is the most recommended. Please don’t use SPF4 because you like to get a tan!

Annual Skin Check

It’s vital, just like your annual trip to the dentist for a check-up, or getting your car serviced. An annual skin check will detect and hopefully catch any suspicious lesions. Depending on your skin type and history of skin cancer your doctor may ask for you to have skin checks every 3-6 months.

Education – Spread the word!

Don’t be afraid to tell a friend of family member to slap on a hat and use sunscreen.


Skin Cancer Services

Skin Check

The Skin check appointment will approximately take 15 minutes and is a thorough check of your whole body.


Dermoscopy refers to the examination of the skin using skin surface microscopy, trained doctors are able to use this tool to identify and diagnose skin cancer such as Melanoma.


On the day of your skin check if we find anything suspicious we may take a biopsy to ensure that the lesion is cancerous before treatment commences.

Mole Removal

Mole removal is only performed when it is clinically essential, or at the request of the patient if it is for cosmetic purposes.