In Australia, every two out of three will be diagnosed with a form of skin cancer before they reach the age of 70. This adds up to more than 750,000 Australians being diagnosed and treated for skin cancer each year. This is why it is so important to get any spots or moles you’re suspicious about looked at right away.
Different Types of Skin Cancer
There are three primary types of skin cancer, and they are Basal cell carcinoma, Melanoma, and Squamous cell carcinoma.
- Basal Cell Carcinoma. This type of skin cancer is responsible for around 70% of all non-Melanoma cancer diagnoses. This is also the least dangerous of the three primary types of skin cancer. It usually appears as a slow growing skin cancer on a person’s scalp, neck, or upper torso. It may also appear red, have a pearly sheen, or look pale in colour.
- In Australia, Melanoma had more than 12,700 new cases in 2013 alone. It appears in the skin that is overexposed to the sun, and this is the most dangerous of the three main skin cancers. If it is left untreated, it can be deadly in as little as six weeks. It appears on the skin as a blotchy, flat mark with an uneven outline.
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinoma accounts for approximately 30% of all non-Melanoma skin cancer diagnoses. This is a quickly growing cancer that isn’t as dangerous as Melanoma. However, it can also spread to other areas or organs in your body if you don’t get it treated quickly. It appears as a red spot that can feel scaly, and it will bleed easily if you irritate it.
If You’re in Doubt, Check Your Moles
You can begin by checking your moles at home using the ABCDE method. If you’re still concerned, you should make an appointment to visit a skin cancer clinic in Perth.
- A – Asymmetrical. Look for an irregular mole or spot on your skin.
- B – Border. If your mole’s border is uneven or blurred, you want to keep an eye on it.
- C – Colour. You should watch any spots that are red, grey, pearly, or odd in appearance.
- D – Diameter. If you notice a spot that is at or over 6mm, get it checked.
- E – Evolving. A mole that changes or evolves is a good indication that something isn’t right, and you should get a mole check in Perth at a skin cancer clinic.

Visit a Skin Cancer Clinic
Once you notice an irregular spot or mole and you do the ABCDE check, it is a good idea to get your mole checked by a professional. There are nine convenient skin cancer clinics throughout Perth and South West, and our staff have the tools and the experience to give you the best care possible. We offer services like mole checks in Perth, as well as mole removal. Early detection is the key to these types of skin cancer, and you want to get the best care possible. Contact your nearest skin cancer clinic and let them assist you and answer any questions or concerns you may have.